The controversy has been going on for decades. This antiquated, dangerous nuclear facility is just 28 miles from New York City. Watch Mike Papantonio interview Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the senior attorney and president of Waterkeeper Alliance as they discuss the situation. Waterkeeper Alliance is a nonprofit founded in 1999, which focuses on clean water and is headquartered in NYC. The Indian Point Nuclear Plant sits on the biggest earthquake fault line in the Northeast so the likelihood of continued storage of the dangerous spent fuel rods at this location is especially alarming. A catastrophic accident could make the area within 100 miles of the Indian Point nuclear plant uninhabitable. This is an area occupied by approximately 22 million people and includes Manhattan, North and Central New Jersey, a large portion of Connecticut, parts of Massachusetts and part of Pennsylvania.
Watch Mike Papantonio Interview Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the Danger at Indian Point
The Indian Point Danger Zone vs. Fukishima