If you write about movies, TV shows, streaming services, related technology, or music we invite you to share your knowledge and insights with our audience. Send us your original article today for consideration for publication. Get your writing published here. Contact us via the contact page here on SatelliteWerx.com
Here at SatelliteWerx.com we are always on the lookout for news, reviews and different points of view. So, if you have something to say, we invite you to say it here.
There is no pay involved but this is an opportunity to get your writing and name in front of a substantial audience. We respect good writers and we’d like to put the spotlight on you. Whether you want to do a movie review, review a TV show, review a music CD or write about anything related to entertainment…or maybe things totally unrelated subjects…we will likely be interested in publishing it.
Articles must meet the following criteria:
1) Must be original and not be published elsewhere. The article must pass Copyscape so if has been previously published please do not submit (we Copyscape check all submissions).
2) You will get a byline and receive one back link in the author bio section
If contributing to SatelliteWerx.com.com is something you are interested in, then please get in touch by contacting us through the contact page.
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